Africans in Ukraine

The media has been reporting the news of Russia basically starting a war with Ukraine. It’s also been discussed pretty heavily that Ukrainians don’t want to go to war. The media has been showing clips of Ukrainians crying and begging for this to stop. The media has done a great job of showing Ukrainians as victims of war.
What the media hasn’t shown is Ukrainians demonstrating their active racism towards the Black Africans in Ukraine. Many Africans are there for medical studies and sports. The Ukrainian officers are supposed to transport them to safety by train. The trains destinations are to either Poland or Romania. However, guards were telling Blacks that Ukrainians have to go first, then the Turkish, and then them.
There have been countless videos shown on social media of Africans sitting and waiting for 12 hrs or more to get on a train. A woman was outside with her infant in 3 degree weather because she and her baby are Black and haven’t been allowed to board. Ukrainians and their authority have been recorded literally pushing the Blacks away and letting the Ukrainians go ahead of them. I have yet to see any media coverage discussing this issue.
It’s important to know that black skin isn’t safe anywhere! In times of destitute, war, etc racism still comes first! So, for the people praying for Ukrainians save your prayers for the Africans that they are mistreating and trying to prevent from getting to safety.