All facts no opinion.
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The housing market is continuously on the rise. Last year’s market proved to be a true seller’s market. This year (2022) it appears to be the exact same. Which means, there are more people looking to relocate than homes available. The running price to rent homes range from $1200 per month to $2,000 per month. With rents being as high as mortgages many people are looking deeper into purchasing a home.
It’s a seller’s market! Simply put there are more people putting in offers on the same homes. In order to be competitive as a buyer you need an agent. A Real Estate agent literally costs you nothing, but their job is to help you find a new home. Your agent will also conduct the financial negotiating for you. However, you need to be financially prepared to bid over the asking price. This seems to be one of the guaranteed ways to get your offer taken seriously.
Be prepared by keeping tabs on your credit score and not through credit karma (Rolls eyes). You can open free accounts with all three credit bureaus. Do not! I repeat do not open any new lines of credit while in the process of purchasing a home. For majority of the homes on the market you can’t view them without a preapproval! The last thing you want to do is get an offer accepted, and then no longer meet that credit requirements, because you’ve been applying for credit cards and car notes.
SAVE SAVE SAVE! Save your money. When it comes down to it, you must have seasoned funds. I suggest you put your seasoned funds in an account that you don’t touch. Lenders are notorious when it comes to calling buyers in the process of loan approval to ask why $200 was spent. Purchasing a home is a huge financial decision. As we previously discussed in this market overbidding is a must. Therefore you need to be financially prepared for whatever amount you bid over (it is not paid by your lender), closing costs, home inspection, and appraisal fees.
Buying a home is a process, that often heightens or causes anxiety. Just remember that you need to have patience to prevent yourself from making irrational decisions. This process also seems to evoke emotions. Buyers are going through everyday life and trying to decide where they are going to live. It’s a lot. As a buyer try to stay grounded, open minded, and remember that your agent is working for your best interest. So listen, ask questions, and be mindful during the process.
Happy House Hunting!
The media has been reporting the news of Russia basically starting a war with Ukraine. It’s also been discussed pretty heavily that Ukrainians don’t want to go to war. The media has been showing clips of Ukrainians crying and begging for this to stop. The media has done a great job of showing Ukrainians as victims of war.
What the media hasn’t shown is Ukrainians demonstrating their active racism towards the Black Africans in Ukraine. Many Africans are there for medical studies and sports. The Ukrainian officers are supposed to transport them to safety by train. The trains destinations are to either Poland or Romania. However, guards were telling Blacks that Ukrainians have to go first, then the Turkish, and then them.
There have been countless videos shown on social media of Africans sitting and waiting for 12 hrs or more to get on a train. A woman was outside with her infant in 3 degree weather because she and her baby are Black and haven’t been allowed to board. Ukrainians and their authority have been recorded literally pushing the Blacks away and letting the Ukrainians go ahead of them. I have yet to see any media coverage discussing this issue.
It’s important to know that black skin isn’t safe anywhere! In times of destitute, war, etc racism still comes first! So, for the people praying for Ukrainians save your prayers for the Africans that they are mistreating and trying to prevent from getting to safety.
There have been Billboards of Aaliyah’s “One In a Million”album as well as her self-titled album “Aaliyah” all over the streets of Detroit, bringing us all pure nostalgia. If you’re old enough, you probably remember that’s how upcoming albums were once promoted. There would be posters in heavily populated areas, billboards on the streets and posters in the music store. I remember seeing Aaliyah perform at the very first Family Funday event in Detroit, which was held at Rouge Park. The music always takes me back in time. Us fans have literally been waiting 20 years for Aaliyah’s music to be released on streaming platforms. Continue reading “Aaliyah” →
At the bottom of the page there is a link to a 7 minute video. The video discusses Proposal P in detail, and the reason why you should vote YES on the proposal! However, there are some key factors missing in the video. One of the largest factors is that Mike Duggan should be voted out of office. In fact he should have never been voted into offie due to him not being a Detroit resident, and his long extensive background of criminal activity which includes but not limited to threatening a medical examiner in an attempt o make the examiner lie in the Malice Green case, and stealing funds from an airport deal.
It’s no secret that Duggan uses the city resources for his friends nonprofit. Duggan has been caught red handed in bid rigging, which is illegal and a little more than 70% of those contractors were awarded contracts. The latest scandal is that he is now engaged to Dr. Sonia Hassan whom runs a prenatal program. The scandal is some months back Dr. Sonia Hassan was accused of getting preferential treatment when Mike Duggan ordered his staff to raise money for Hassan’s prenatal program “Make Your Date.” The city also directed more than $358,000 in Federal grants to the program.
Duggan refused to discuss what his relationship was with Hassan once in April of 2019 when eyebrows were raised about them being at the same restaurant together. Shortly after the questioning by media Duggan’s wife of 30 years Mary filed for divorce. The second time he refused to discuss what his relationship was with Hassan is when he was being investigated about the funds going to Hassan’s program. In case anyone can’t read in between the lines, Duggan was cheating on his wife with Dr. Sonia Hassan and he also made the conscious choice to solely pick her organization to donate funds. I guess he felt obligated to since he’s sleeping with her (shrugs shoulders).
It’s just amazing what White men in America can get away with. Do the right thing and vote him out of office. He’s done nothing for the citizens who have been living in Detroit, besides mislead them with false information and false hopes! There is no such thing as the Great White hope! Unless you live Downtown. MIKE DUGGAN DOES NOT AND NEVER DID DESERVE TO BE THE MAYOR OF DETROIT! GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE!
Last but certainly not least. VOTE FOR NICOLE SMALL FOR CITY COUNCIL AT LARGE!!!
It’s no secret that Black people in America have had a tremulous relationship with the Government and “Authority” figures altogether. From being beaten for speaking our native languages, being stripped from our original cultures and religions, to Black women being raped by slave masters to produce more slaves and separating us from our family and children, we have constantly been under attack and hunted by slave catchers- which now translates to the police. Continue reading “Todays Black Activist!” →
It’s no secret that Black people in America have had a tremulous relationship with the Government and “Authority” figures altogether. From being beaten for speaking our native languages, being stripped from our original cultures and religions, to Black women being raped by slave masters to produce more slaves and separating us from our family and children, we have constantly been under attack and hunted by slave catchers- which now translates to the police.
Around this time last year we all were concerned about our health, safety and livelihood. Companies were laying off employees or cutting people hours drastically. Some were fortunate, so it seemed, to be able to work from home until further notice. Schools, childcare and eldercare centers were also closing until further notice, which also caused people to have to walk away from their jobs to care for their children or parents. This is only a snapshot of an exhaustive list that left many Americans wondering how they were going to live and pay their bills. Then real panic set in… tissue, lysol, soap and alcohol were all out-of-stock; along with bread and meat . We seemed to be on the brink of food scarcity! The supply and demand equation suddenly was tested as more and more of the workforce was in limbo with if their job was secured or not!
Do you remember how old you were the first time you were told to humble yourself or tone down your ambitions, in some way? It seems to be a theme in the lives of Black women. Something I’ve heard people say “there will always be someone better than you at something.” Why do we have a difficult time encouraging our girls that they are the best? We all know that confidence is the key.
Continue reading “My sister’s keeper” →
In my role as a HR specialist I recruit potential employees for open positions for businesses. I post detailed job descriptions, conduct interviews, and at times do the onboard training for the listed position(s) . As I navigate through this process with potential candidates for businesses I have been heavily noting consistencies and inconsistencies that I have been noticing among candidates in the process of job hunting. Strangely, oddly… my main note is, PEOPLE ARE NOT PREPARED TO WORK. Really! I have seen everything- from improper email addresses, text message worthy written communication in emails, showing up late … the list goes on and on. It’s seems as if some people have the attitude of “if I get the job I do ; if I don’t I don’t.” I know this isn’t that case because people have financial needs and wants that are fulfilled by having a job.