


All of this talk about Bill Cosby and his alleged rape victims has started up some serious emotions worldwide. You see, women have been sexually violated for hundreds of years. History tells us that women have had very little rights as far speaking freely, deciding on who they want to marry, and what they could and could not do with their bodies. Continue reading “RAPE”


“The world is coming to an end!” That’s what I constantly hear people saying when they hear something tragic that happened to a child, or when someone is murdered in cold blood. What society has seemed to forgotten is that the world we live in has always been chaotic. Continue reading “Chaos…..”

Eyes Wide Shut…..

imageHave you ever heard of the “Dark Continent”? It’s the term that people used to call the continent of Africa! It was given that name because of the color of the people that were from the Motherland. If Africa was known as the “Dark Continent”, how is it that now if you are from North Africa you are considered white?! Shouldn’t that person just be considered African? There are plenty of people born and raised in South Africa that are white in color, so what measurements are being used to determine ethnicity?
Continue reading “Eyes Wide Shut…..”

Girl Code


Throughout life we as women meet new people. We create new bounds, experiences,and friendships. Some of us still have friends as far back as elementary school, high school, and college, and we have friends that we meet at work. With all these relationships that women create with each other, they often live by a code. The Girl code.
Continue reading “Girl Code”

So you think you’re Grown?!


I am not a mother but I am a leader, a life learner, and a mentor. When I was a teenager, I had my times with my smart mouth just like any other teenager, but I was never disrespectful to adults. Even if I didn’t want to hear what an adult was telling me, I listened anyway because you can’t debate an adult. Debating an adult would be disrespectful.
Continue reading “So you think you’re Grown?!”

Don’t Get Gay Married…..


It has been brought to my attention on numerous occasions that people are constantly worried about the wrong Sugar Honey Iced Tea. People are concerned about their same sex oriented neighbor! Why, you ask? Simply because they like the same sex! Same sex orientation isn’t a new practice or idea, so what’s the problem?!
Continue reading “Don’t Get Gay Married…..”


I was watching a TV show full of amazing vocalists and song writers who had collectively created a masterpiece of an album. Yet, when they were informed that a Grammy nomination wasn’t given to them for the album, everything changed. Their happiness was stripped away in a matter of moments.
Continue reading “Validation….”