
Comedy or Tragedy? Men dressed as Women…

imageWhen I was growing up, one of my favorite TV shows was MARTIN. Martin played many characters throughout the show, and two of his characters were women (Mama Payne and Sheneneh). I always thought they were both hilarious. It really was a funny show, and in fact, many people still watch it to this day.
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Is being smart a bad thing?

imageKaty and Ken are on their third date. They are enjoying cocktails and conversation at a popular steakhouse while waiting for their meals to arrive. Ken has been the leader of the conversation, introducing all of the topics. Ken is surprised that Katy knows some information on the majority of the topics that he’s mentioned.
Continue reading “Is being smart a bad thing?”


The media is constantly informing the public that we need more. If it’s not a music video, movie, or commercial, it’s a TV show telling us that we need to “upgrade” something in our lives. It’s natural to want to be successful, and strive to be able to take care of yourself, and your family, but it’s important to recognize when you’re already excelling in life.
Continue reading “Greed…..”

The Demise of Detroit….


You remember Ron don’t you? Ron Johnson from Detroit, whose father owned a car dealership? If you don’t remember him, here’s a quick back story on who he was: Ron Johnson went to Hillman College, and after college he fully intended on returning back to Detroit to either work for his Dad’s dealership or pursue his music career. Simply put, Detroit was known as the place where their children never permanently left home.
Continue reading “The Demise of Detroit….”

Perception… Is it reality?!


People perceive messages, looks, and behaviors of others and internalize them. They interpret what they think it means. For example: A friend of mine asked me if she should wear this particular dress without stockings or leggings. I politely informed her that she should wear stockings or a longer dress. Maybe both.

My thought process was I didnt want people making rude comments about her size, silhouette, and the way the dress looked on her period. An observer’s (another friend of ours) perception of the same situation was that I was being mean. Why is honesty perceived as being mean instead of just being honest? Are we in that much denial as a society that we want people to lie to us even though we asked for the truth?! Unfortunately, that’s not something I’m willing to do!
Continue reading “Perception… Is it reality?!”

Stupidity and the Internet…


I bet you thought common sense was something that many people possess.  Then, the issues you thought were obvious were displayed on the internet, and the people you thought you knew and understood proved you wrong. I can’t begin to tell you how often I had to take a step back and say “Are you serious?!” or “Do  you really believe that?!” Now, I can honestly say that many comments, posts, meme’s , etc no longer surprise me.  Some of them are disappointing, but not surprising. Continue reading “Stupidity and the Internet…”



Women are the creators of life. Nurturers by NATURE! We come in different creeds, ethnicities, colors, shapes, and sizes. As different as we are, it seems that women are ultimately after the same objectives. Those objectives tend to be whatever goals or accomplishments we have set for ourselves. Goals can be career driven, matters of the heart, or starting and stabilizing a family. So, if women are aiming for the same things, why are we constantly competing against one another?!

Continue reading “Competition…”

Detroit’s Education statistics


Have you been in the car listening to the radio and a commercial about Detroit’s high school graduation rate comes on?! As I’m listening to the commercial I’m thinking to myself “Self, as much as these corporations are pushing education, these statistics can’t be accurate.” In 2012 the graduation rate was said to be 59%. In 2013 the rate increased by 5% bringing it to 64%. After hearing this commercial several times I decided to dig around for some information. Word for word, here is what I found: