Flying high even when you feel low

This article is dedicated to Jas Waters (Jas Fly) a prominent journalist and writer on the hit show “This is Us” who committed suicide just before the quarantine was lifted. Jas was a successful Black woman who was at the height of her career. On the outside looking in, it appeared that life for Jas was good. She was financially stable, receiving notoriety for her work, and seemingly happy and living her life. Yet, and still, she had an internal battles that she succumbed.
Politics and Police Brutality
The last two days have been very traumatic upon the Black community. I had to take some time in silence to reflect on what has happened. This video is a panel of 3 people including myself discussing the news involving Kwame Kilpatrick, and the most recent police brutality traumas. Specifically discussing Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.
The video is below. Please feel free to comment like and/or share.
Kwame Kilpatrick

Friday morning I headed out early to tend to my errands. I was finishing up and walking to my car when I took a look at my phone and saw that I had 7 text messages from different people. I started to get a tadbit nervous because I instantly got the feeling that everyone contacted me about the same thing, and I was just hoping it wasn’t about anything tragic. The first message was from my previous college professor whom I usually brunch or lunch with a few times a month. Her message was a link to an article stating that Kwame Kilpatrick would be released from prison early! Her text read “in case you didn’t know already.” I literally got in the car and screamed joyfully!
Slowing it down…
We’re on lockdown right? This is just a friendly reminder that you do not have to come out of this lockdown with a new skill , a new business, or trade! I keep seeing people say that which just highlights that people love repeating things they think is trendy and/or popular. It also shows that the entire point of all this change is to FORCE YOU TO SLOW DOWN! How many times do we see people talking about they arent getting any sleep because it’s money to be made? “They are out here grinding and hustling 24/7.” Continue reading “Slowing it down…”

Yoni Steam Me Please
The first time I ever heard of a Yoni steam was on an episode of “Girlfriends.” I know it’s sad but it’s true. I didn’t think much of it at the time, besides it being interesting. But, now that I have friends that solely practice womb care, are Doulas, and midwives I started to become more interested in what a Yoni steam is all about. Continue reading “Yoni Steam Me Please”
Why Oprah & Gayle will never be my Aunties
Both Oprah and Gayle are pioneers of the media. They are both what is considered to be high profile, accolade decorated, researching journalists that have been in media for 30+ years. Knowing these details about them only increases my sadness, because honestly they know better than most, that their behavior is damaging and toxic to society.
Continue reading “Why Oprah & Gayle will never be my Aunties”
Mamba Life

It’s so cold in the D

I’ve been on a personal rant since 2014 about all of things happening in Detroit that were put in place to get citizens out of the city. The truth of the matter is that this chaos started long before my discussions. The years of 2007-2008 is when the Country went through it’s recession. Housing markets were plummeting all over, but it seemed Detroit had been hit the worst. What many people didn’t discuss is why or how.
No Time

Generally Speaking
It’s that time of year again! Another year is ending and a new year awaits us. I’m always excited about the New Year. It just feels like a fresh start on life. Not to mention it’s a great time to reflect on past events of your life, and plan out new territory you want to conquer in the future. It’s a time to make changes and free yourself of burdens if need be. Some of us do those things daily, but many of us don’t!
So what have we learned this year?!
Lessons of 2019
- Some men can’t handle being your friend once they realize the connection you had no longer exist. Which means their love was conditional. As long as they were able to control the narrative of the relationship and dictate what happens everything is great. But, the minute you move on and accept them as a past experience you become the devil. That’s not love or friendship it’s simply an unhealthy male ego!
- Some friends you can talk to about anything. Then there are some friends that you have to select what you can share with them. All friends aren’t good listeners because they can’t hear anything beyond their own perspective or reality.
- Some friends are in a secret competition with you, which means you already won. But, you have to realize that friendships of that magnitude are limited. Is that really even a friend?
- Love has no time frame, so don’t try to talk yourself out of loving someone because you think it hasn’t been enough time. When you know you know.
- You have to be okay with not being considered, invited, or included. It’s life and you can only expect people to be who they are, and not who you are or who you want them to be.
Eye Opener as we bring this year to a close
If you are a regular Let’s Talk Rae Style reader you know I write a lot about dating and relationships. I’m here to tell you that everything I thought I knew has been altered for the better when it comes to love, dating, and relationships! In the spiritual world time is fluid. I’m now a believer that in our current dimension when it comes to love time is fluid as well. We waste so much time trying to hide our true feelings because we don’t want to be hurt. Not realizing that displaying your feelings, dare I say being vulnerable is the only way to experience love in its purest form.
If a man or woman gives you the feels and you start to question yourself! Do yourself a favor, DON’T! Don’t question it just go with the feeling. Allow that person to love on you, support you emotionally, treat you well, pamper you, and whatever else you desire from a partner. It doesn’t matter if the relationship ends abruptly or has longevity. What matters is how you felt within that experience. Did you enjoy how you were treated and the time you spent together? Those are the events that you should be concerned with. We don’t possess people we experience them. Accept the love and don’t concern yourself with the timing. Answer when love calls..
Your life is your story. You’re the star and you have the right to demote and promote as you see fit to enhance your story! Make moves that accommodate you! There is simply NO TIME for anything else. I hope you all have a happy and prosperous New Year!