If you were unaware of what’s been happening in Sudan due to lack of media coverage I’m going to provide a the information I’ve obtained. Continue reading “Sudan massacre”
Ban on abortions
Politics and spit!
I’ve been contemplating how to go about this article, and decided to start off with the legal aspect. There are 3 branches of the Government: The Executive branch, which is the highest, and is what the President of the United States (if we had one) would fall under; The Legislative branch, which is what members of the House and Senate (Congress) fall under; The Judicial branch, which is what the Supreme Court and lower courts fall under. Continue reading “Ban on abortions”
In the company of others

It’s tiresome enough that I often feel like I carry the culture on my back when it comes to information. I often feel responsible for informing Black people of what is expected of us, how we’re perceived, and what knowledge we need to know about ourselves, our history, and what’s happening to folks that look like us across the globe! Of course I’m not going to reach everyone, but if I can reach one person, I’ll feel somewhat accomplished. Continue reading “In the company of others”
Unpacking Being Mary Jane
Let me start by saying that this entire article is a spoiler alert. You’ve been warned! Continue reading “Unpacking Being Mary Jane”
Black women at work
A while ago there was a Twitter hashtag named #BlackWomenAtWork. The hashtag discussed all the racist and biased comments that Black women receive from their White counterparts. I participated in the hashtag, but to be honest, I hadn’t quite experienced a lot of what was discussed. I came from a corporate environment where Black women ran the office alongside a few White women. Black women were definitely the majority. Continue reading “Black women at work”
Long Live Nip
Victory Lap
When I heard Nipsey was murdered I was sitting in the living room at my friend’s house. I immediately felt the anxiety building inside of me, and great sadness. In all honesty the first person I thought about was Lauren London, and then his children. I got online to look for credible sites to verify that this tragedy was indeed true. Like many people I didn’t understand it, because everyone seemingly loved Nipsey. I loved Nipsey! Continue reading “Long Live Nip”
The Divide
If you don’t pay attention to public policy, politics, and our ever changing culture, you could find yourself in a world of confusion. Most importantly, you have to know where you stand. There has always been conflict in the Black community because there has always been different types of Black people: The Black people that are simply trying to make it, and the Black people that think they are better than other Black people because their speech, hair, job/career, education, and dwelling spaces are different.
Thank U, Next: End of year reflection
2018 has been a year of loss, endings, and feelings of perplexity. You know that feeling when you are in a state of the unknown? When you know everything is changing around you but you don’t know what the end result will be and if you’ll mentally and emotionally survive… That was how I felt. I had to remind myself that the Universe is always working in my favor regardless if I can see or feel what’s happening. Having a friend die unexpectedly helped put some things in perspective for me. Death has a funny way of making you reevaluate your feelings, life, and your relationships. Continue reading “Thank U, Next: End of year reflection”

I’ll take yo MAN!
If you haven’t heard the female rap group duo City Girls remake of Salt and Pepper’s hit I’ll take your man,” you may want to check it out. It’s been played all over the radio and in night clubs. The City Girls album is full of raunchy lyrics following in the footsteps of other female rappers with Miami slang. Recently The group has been under a lot of scrutiny due to group member JT being locked up for previous charges of fraud, but the worst critiques have been based on group member Yung Miami’s speech (Yet y’all calling people that commit fraud to get y’all Christmas gifts). Miami first shocked the world when she asked if people wanted to get “flewed out” instead of flown out. There were so many comments and retweets making fun of the new rapper, she made a rebuttal. This week she’s being criticized for mispronouncing a city’s name in Michigan.
People have been verbally attacking Miami. Calling her dumb an idiot and everything in between. You don’t have to agree with the rappers lyrics, like their speech or like their truths. But what everyone should be doing is respecting the fact that they come from streets of Miami and are actively trying to improve their quality of life. What really bothers me the most is that I personally don’t believe they would receive such backlash if they weren’t Black women. Continue reading “I’ll take yo MAN!”
Terrorist Attacks and facts
Photo of hate crime and terrorist attack victim Maurice Stallard.
Terrorist Gregory Bush took the lives of two Black senior citizens Maurice Stallard (69) and Vickie Lee Jones (67)on October 25th, 2018 in Louisville, KY. Bush (the terrorist) walked into a Kroger and shot Maurice Stallard right in front of his 12 year old grandson. He then exited the Kroger and saw Vickie Lee Jones in the parking lot and shot and killed her as well. Two lives taken away all because he couldn’t gain access to First Baptist church of Jeffersontown. Continue reading “Terrorist Attacks and facts”