Don’t say it…




It seems since the take over of social media many people have become desensitized about what’s inappropriate to say and or do depending upon the situation. Here are some random things you shouldn’t do or ask- “Is that your real hair?” That’s so rude! Asking a person how much they pay for personal items is inappropriate unless you have that kind of friendship with them. Taking selfies at a funeral is inappropriate, period! It’s not about how cute you think you look at a funeral it’s about paying your respect to the deceased. Putting your children’s faults or personal mishaps on social media is inappropriate! That’s not the publics business! Then you get mad when someone comments on the situation even though you made it accessible for comments. Continue reading “Don’t say it…”

Bad Business..


It seems like more and more businesses and small businesses are popping up everywhere! It’s amazing because many of us come from families that encouraged us to attend college so we could get “good jobs.” The focus was always education and it’s relation to living a comfortable lifestyle and/or money. Continue reading “Bad Business..”




There is so much to be concerned about everyday. Mothers and Fathers are concerned about their children, employees may be concerned about their future with their current company, or maybe they’re considering entrepreneurship. Life and the world around us are constantly changing.

Continue reading “Focus….”



Everyday we read articles about tragic events that have happened somewhere in the world and sometimes in our own neighborhoods. We lose family members, friends, jobs, and relationships. Unfortunately, these are realities of life. I often hear so many people say that they “just want to be happy.” I’m guilty of that very statement myself, even though I know the truth. Continue reading “Happiness….”


“The world is coming to an end!” That’s what I constantly hear people saying when they hear something tragic that happened to a child, or when someone is murdered in cold blood. What society has seemed to forgotten is that the world we live in has always been chaotic. Continue reading “Chaos…..”

Don’t Get Gay Married…..


It has been brought to my attention on numerous occasions that people are constantly worried about the wrong Sugar Honey Iced Tea. People are concerned about their same sex oriented neighbor! Why, you ask? Simply because they like the same sex! Same sex orientation isn’t a new practice or idea, so what’s the problem?!
Continue reading “Don’t Get Gay Married…..”


The media is constantly informing the public that we need more. If it’s not a music video, movie, or commercial, it’s a TV show telling us that we need to “upgrade” something in our lives. It’s natural to want to be successful, and strive to be able to take care of yourself, and your family, but it’s important to recognize when you’re already excelling in life.
Continue reading “Greed…..”

Perception… Is it reality?!


People perceive messages, looks, and behaviors of others and internalize them. They interpret what they think it means. For example: A friend of mine asked me if she should wear this particular dress without stockings or leggings. I politely informed her that she should wear stockings or a longer dress. Maybe both.

My thought process was I didnt want people making rude comments about her size, silhouette, and the way the dress looked on her period. An observer’s (another friend of ours) perception of the same situation was that I was being mean. Why is honesty perceived as being mean instead of just being honest? Are we in that much denial as a society that we want people to lie to us even though we asked for the truth?! Unfortunately, that’s not something I’m willing to do!
Continue reading “Perception… Is it reality?!”