To Samaria- I hope that the support that you receive from your family, friends, and supporters bring you comfort. I know the pain you are enduring cannot be erased. I just hope that there is something that brings you peace.. Continue reading “Shoot first ask questions later: Tamir Rice.”
Category: Current News
Tis the season..
Photo credit:Google
The holiday preparations started in mid October for retailers with their decorations and sale items. It seems that retailers push Thanksgiving and Christmas together. While many people are checking out sales prices on items their kids want and taking notes on what to get Mom for Christmas, others just feel somewhat overwhelmed by it all.
There are just a few things I want everyone to consider. Although you may consider Thanksgiving and Christmas to be the umtimate holidays remember that everyone may not celebrate or participate for Religious or personal reasons. The holiday season also brings about lots of sadness. Recently I had a discussion with a friend about how the holiday season makes me nervous and I actually dread it because you seem to hear about so many deaths between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
Therefore if you know someone that has lost a loved one please don’t attempt to drown out their sorrows with holiday cheer. It will not work and will probably make the person feel worse. I’m simply asking for consideration of others while you continue your holiday cheer.
Remember what the holiday’s are supposed to be about which is peace, love, and family. If you happen to have all three and more consider yourself fortunate!
Happy Holiday’s if you celebrate!
Scandalous Reality..
Did you all watch the last episode of Scandal? My mouth literally dropped to the floor as Olivia proceeded to the clinic to have an abortion. All while Mellie stood in the middle of The Congress floor for 16 hours in order to guarantee funding for Planned Parenthood. There are so many groups that are against Planned Parenthood not realizing that only 3% of the organizations business are actually abortions. Planned Parenthood has been viewed under a microscope since a clearly edited video was leaked accusing the organization if illegally selling fetal issue. It’s safe to say that today Planned Parenthood’s efforts are geared towards Women’s health. Mainly helping to prevent sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Continue reading “Scandalous Reality..”
Don’t say it…
It seems since the take over of social media many people have become desensitized about what’s inappropriate to say and or do depending upon the situation. Here are some random things you shouldn’t do or ask- “Is that your real hair?” That’s so rude! Asking a person how much they pay for personal items is inappropriate unless you have that kind of friendship with them. Taking selfies at a funeral is inappropriate, period! It’s not about how cute you think you look at a funeral it’s about paying your respect to the deceased. Putting your children’s faults or personal mishaps on social media is inappropriate! That’s not the publics business! Then you get mad when someone comments on the situation even though you made it accessible for comments. Continue reading “Don’t say it…”
Detroit Giveaway…..
Pardon me if I sound brash, but why is it that Detroit citizens’ homes are being foreclosed but there are organizations and projects giving away houses in Detroit to non-Detroit residents? What I have read is -there’s a program for writers in an attempt to stabilize the community and start literacy programs. I suppose there aren’t any writers in Detroit that are worthy of living in free homes in the city in which they currently reside. You know what? Don’t pardon me because I am disgruntled about what’s going on around me and affecting my community. I read an article about a woman that lived in the same house for 60 years and is now being put on the streets at the age of 68 because she’s 15k behind in property taxes. Did I mention she was a music teacher in the area’s grade schools? Detroit isn’t exactly the land of opportunity for teachers. Especially since they laid off the most experienced teachers and closed countless amounts of schools. Continue reading “Detroit Giveaway…..”
Bad Business..
It seems like more and more businesses and small businesses are popping up everywhere! It’s amazing because many of us come from families that encouraged us to attend college so we could get “good jobs.” The focus was always education and it’s relation to living a comfortable lifestyle and/or money. Continue reading “Bad Business..”
All That Matters:Being against the acknowledgement that #BlackLivesMatter
I’m having a difficult time understanding why so many people are against The Black Lives Matter movement. How can one deny a movement that’s so necessary and prevalent? Why would you want to deny or speak negatively of the movement? The torture and abuse enforced on Black and Brown citizens due to Police Brutality (in some cases it’s fake cops) all across the United States of America is what sparked the movement. Police brutality seems to almost never come to surface when discussions are had about the Black Lives Matter movement. However, what seems to always come up in discussions about Black Lives matter is All Lives Matter. Continue reading “All That Matters:Being against the acknowledgement that #BlackLivesMatter”
What if you were always told you were beautiful?! Would you then be able to look in the mirror and embrace your melanin? What if you were taught that your hair was perfect and, that you were brilliant for the creative styles that you apply to your hair? What if Black bodies were never sold on auction blocks? Would everyone then value our lives? What if Europeans never invaded Africa? Would we then appreciate all of its natural resources and cherish the land where our existence (LIFE) began? Continue reading “Questions….”
It’s not ok for Rachel Dolezal to play Black!
Many people are saying that no one should be upset or mad that Rachel Dolezal is claiming to be Black. The supported reasons that I’ve seen posted are: “Black people wear weaves!” “Some black people do skin lighting treatments… or wear light makeup to alter their appearance.” (Black skin and make-up selection history is a whole new discussion). Continue reading “It’s not ok for Rachel Dolezal to play Black!”
What about Your Friends?
Do you remember your first friend ever in life? Do you recall how important it was to play with your friend (assuming that you met your first friend as a child)? My very first friend always played with me. Having someone to play with me was always of importance because my cousins were eithet older or younger than me. However developing that friendship was extremely easy and pure. Continue reading “What about Your Friends?”