
(photo credit Gawker)

Rumain Brisbon 12-2-14, Tamir Rice 11-22-14, Akai Gurley 11-20-14, Kajieme Powell 8-19-14, Ezell Ford 8-12-14, Dante Parker 8-12-14, Michael Brown 8-9-14, John Crawford III 8-5-14, Tyree Woodson 8-2-14, Eric Garner 7-17-14, Victor White III 3-22-14, Yvette Smith 2-16-14, McKenzie Cochran 1-28-14, Jordan Baker 1-16-14, and even though Andy Lopez died in October of 2013 I never hear people discussing his death. Continue reading “PEACEFUL PROTEST?”

Interview with Reverend Pastor David A. Bullock of Oxygen’s show “Preachers of Detroit”

FullSizeRenderA little before Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday), we were able to have a sit down interview with currently the most talked about Pastor on Oxygen’s show “Preachers of Detroit,” Pastor David A. Bullock. Pastor Bullock has been the Senior Pastor at Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church for the last 10 years. Pastor David Bullock is of course a Pastor, an Activist, Advocate, Founder and official spokesperson for The Change Agent Consortium (C.A.C.) which is a national coalition of faith labor, civil rights, and active citizens. He’s also a professor and now to add to his list of titles and talents a cast member of “Preachers of Detroit.” Continue reading “Interview with Reverend Pastor David A. Bullock of Oxygen’s show “Preachers of Detroit””




There is so much to be concerned about everyday. Mothers and Fathers are concerned about their children, employees may be concerned about their future with their current company, or maybe they’re considering entrepreneurship. Life and the world around us are constantly changing.

Continue reading “Focus….”

Welcome to the 1960’s!


Welcome to the era when the FDA approved birth control (1960). It’s when the Vietnam war officially began (1961). President Kennedy was assassinated (1963). A time when the KILLERS oops I mean the Nation of Islam suspended Malcolm X (1964). The Civil Rights Act to stop discrimination was also signed and passed by Congress in 1964. Malcolm X was assassinated by the same group he was suspended from on the first day of National brotherhood week (1965). In 1968 President Nixon was elected,Robert Kennedy,and Martin Luther King jr. were both assassinated (Really, American Government?). Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969.
Continue reading “Welcome to the 1960’s!”



All of this talk about Bill Cosby and his alleged rape victims has started up some serious emotions worldwide. You see, women have been sexually violated for hundreds of years. History tells us that women have had very little rights as far speaking freely, deciding on who they want to marry, and what they could and could not do with their bodies. Continue reading “RAPE”


“The world is coming to an end!” That’s what I constantly hear people saying when they hear something tragic that happened to a child, or when someone is murdered in cold blood. What society has seemed to forgotten is that the world we live in has always been chaotic. Continue reading “Chaos…..”