Is dating hard or are you making dating hard?






One of my best friends refers to me as a “professional dater.” Though I’m not necessarily proud of the name, I am proud of being able to enjoy myself and live in the moment while dating. And when I say dating, I literally mean going to restaurants, museums, art shows and movies with a man. IT DOES NOT ALWAYS EQUAL HAVING SEX.

Let me guess. You’re reading this blog about me being a “professional dater”. You’re also seeing all these couples and people getting married on your timeline. Meanwhile you’re wondering why you can’t get a text back or a decent date. I absolutely cringe when I hear women say “I hate starting over and getting to know someone all over again.” Continue reading “Is dating hard or are you making dating hard?”

All little Black girls know the importance of getting their hair done..





All little Black girls know the importance of getting their hair done. It has to be styled ever so correctly, or they run the risk of being teased in school and online. Other parents will say things like “Her Mother should be ashamed of herself for not doing her hair!” What is considered doing a little girls hair? Kids will call them ugly, nappy head, etc. Most people find that braids, ponytails (with straightened hair), or in a wrap. Just think about the comments made about Blue Ivy’s hair. This pressure of what your hair has to look like increases tremendously as an adult with different trends and styles being deemed appropriate. It’s constant hair buying, weaving, pulling, braiding, dying, perming, pressing, washing, blow drying, sewing and REPEAT! Continue reading “All little Black girls know the importance of getting their hair done..”

Success and being reminded of your Blackness: Serena


Photo credit: Marcus The Artist

It’s been a media storm since Serena spoke up for herself to an umpire at The U.S. Grand Opening. He accused Serena Williams of receiving coaching while playing. To add insult to injury, when she addressed the umpire about his calls he then charged her with abusive language. Serena stated that every time she is invited to the U.S. Open they have an issue with her. She also stated that men say whatever they want out of emotion and they are never penalized for those emotions of anger and frustration. Yet, Serena was being brutally punished. What Serena didn’t mention is the even bigger issue; Not only is she a woman, but she is a Black woman. Ultimately with the penalties and points taken from Serena, Naomi Osaka won the U.S. Open. With so much controversy surrounding the game Naomi didn’t really get to properly relish in the moment of winning. Continue reading “Success and being reminded of your Blackness: Serena”

We are never allowed to be victims:Botham Jean




On September 6th, 2018 in Dallas,TX, Police officer Amber Guyger allegedly thought she was entering her own apartment when she shot, and killed Botham Jean in his apartment. Guyger stated that she tried to enter her keys in the door knob, and they didn’t work. Soon after a man (Botham Jean) then opened the apartment door. She claims she thought he was an intruder. A few days later Guyger’s story changed. Her new story states that the apartment door was slightly ajar and that she saw Botham’s silhouette from across the room when she entered the apartment. Allegedly she gave him orders and he didn’t follow them therefore she shot him. Most people know what their home looks like, and usually apartments have numbers on the door that’s assigned to the resident. How is it that Amber Guyger is unaware of what the inside of her home looks like or where she lives? Continue reading “We are never allowed to be victims:Botham Jean”

A Golden State of Mind

I like to think of the glass as half full rather than half empty. Of course there are days when my negative thoughts are stronger than my positive ones, but I remind myself that being positive brings more positivity to me. Being positive isn’t as easy as the memes on Instagram display. You actually have to work towards being positive. Continue reading “A Golden State of Mind”

I want to be perfect!

I want to be perfect!
There seems to be an infatuation with being perfect. We want to post the perfect selfie. We want to record a video where we look perfect. We want our work and/or creative projects to be perfect. We want to give a perfect response or reply within conversation. Continue reading “I want to be perfect!”

The bag!

On the internet, it seems like everyone’s goal is to get to the bag- which is a great thing! We can’t eat, pay bills, or live without getting a bag. Money is a necessity, and I’ve come to the conclusion that enough of it is never really enough. You’ll always want more so that you can do more. Continue reading “The bag!”

Damn she thick!


When you meet someone at the gym, grocery store, mall, or social gatherings, all you have to go on is what they look like. He or she may be attractive to you so you exchange numbers. Usually ladies give their numbers out to see how interested the guy is in her. If he calls, great! If he doesn’t, oh well! Normal, right? Continue reading “Damn she thick!”

Things you didnt know about Rachel Dolezal

A few years back I wrote an article about Rachel Dolezal and her claim to fame by identifying as a Black Woman. I don’t think I was harsh in the article but as always I told my truth. I had been debating watching the Netflix documentary on Rachel and her family. I must say I’m glad I decided to watch.  There is no excuse for portraying something that you are not. Especially when it comes to something, so sensitive such as race and ethnicity. Let me state this Rachel could only pass as Black in America due to her privilege. Privilege has allowed her to live the American dream as far as being who you want to be, and doing what you want to do. However, she did assist in bringing awareness to the people of Spokane, WA about the active racism there. Rachel has to understand that you can be White in America and fully support the Black movement and bring awareness to racism, systematic racism, and injustices of the world. Continue reading “Things you didnt know about Rachel Dolezal”

Ye who?



Sometimes I distract myself from reading or watching videos of hate crimes against African American people. I do it because it can be overwhelming. The feeling you get in your stomach or the slight anxiety that you feel are symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You got the same feeling when you saw Omarosa backing Donald Trump, didn’t you? You couldn’t believe your eyes and ears. I got the same feeling when I heard Kanye West show complete disregard and disrespect to his people on television with his comments. Not to mention his twitter feed.  For the record Donald Glover accomplished what Kanye thought he was accomplishing in Glover’s video “This is America.”

For those of you that tried to act like you were on some higher level of understanding because you thought you knew what Kanye meant... Nice try but still an epic fail!

One who is a genius does not proclaim he is in a genius.

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