Computer Love



Do you remember when the song Computer Love first debuted on the radio? I was a kid but I remember learning the lyrics and how to replicate the beat using my hands and chest. The 90s were truly a time to be alive and growing up! Who would’ve guessed that “Computer Love” would be a real thing?! People date and “kick it with” people online everyday now!

On top of the DM game that we get on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, there are numerous amounts of dating apps! Facebook even launched its own dating app earlier last week. I’ve had my fair share of “I want to get to know you” DMs, but one thing I noticed is that people are either extremely awkward or afraid to interact in person. Have we as a society become so content with online chatting that we lack the basic social skills?
It seems that calling, texting, or messaging someone to death seems to be what men think is pursing a woman. It seems they lack plans, and if/when they do take the time and effort to meet, they don’t know how to interact. They are super quiet, and dare I say shy? Yet, via text or online they are full of personality. Dud spuds just don’t cut it in the non virtual world.  I never would have thought this would be the new norm.
Unfortunately, I think we have all fallen victim to interacting solely through our phones and laptops. Even myself as a writer of an online forum has fallen victim, but I’m going to do my part in making interactions easier. It’s no time like the present to kick it into full gear!
This will be one of the last written pieces for a while, as Let’s Talk Rae Style will be focusing on a new forum with an idea that I originally got from watching the documentary of Nina Simone. Cocktails and Conversations will discuss the same topics with facts and more perspectives from different people. Stay tuned!

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