Friday morning I headed out early to tend to my errands. I was finishing up and walking to my car when I took a look at my phone and saw that I had 7 text messages from different people. I started to get a tadbit nervous because I instantly got the feeling that everyone contacted me about the same thing, and I was just hoping it wasn’t about anything tragic. The first message was from my previous college professor whom I usually brunch or lunch with a few times a month. Her message was a link to an article stating that Kwame Kilpatrick would be released from prison early! Her text read “in case you didn’t know already.” I literally got in the car and screamed joyfully!
I was relieved because I knew that was the reason so many people were texting me. I was also extremely happy that he is finally being released early. It’s no secret that I am a Kwame Kilpatrick supporter. I’m in a Kwame Kilpatrick support group, I’ve signed petitions requesting his early release, and I’ve Tweeted Donald Trump several times (because we know he loves Twitter) asking for him to release Kwame Kilpatrick from prison.
A lot of Detroiter’s and non Detroiter’s have mixed feelings about Kwame Kilpatrick being released early from prison. It literally depends on who you ask. The reactions go from “he needs to stay in prison forever,” to “It’s about time he’s being released.” There are lots of people with a lot of opinions and false information that they are perpetuating as facts. Many people have speculated, and accused former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick of so many things that it’s ridiculous. In the recent months Peter Karmanos has been quoted for saying “What happened to Kwame Kilpatrick was a modern day lynching.” I must say I agree.
After all, we do see Black men go to prison for crimes that their White Counterparts get little to no prison time for committing. We know that it is a fact that there is a huge injustice within the justice system when it comes to Black people. That’s just the way it is. When you mix the medias twisted stories that are provided to the public, add the fact that Kilpatrick was constantly judged and ridiculed due to him being young, Black, and educated. Plus street rumors, and a little bit of alleged power, THEN BOOM! You get a 28 year prison sentence for Kwame Kilpatrick.
Here is what Kwame Kilpatrick was actually convicted of
Racketeering Conspiracy
Extortion- Sewer line contract
Extortion- Amendment to Sewer Lining Contract
Extortion- Baby Creek/Patton Park
Attempted Extortion- Oakwood Pump Station
Extortion-Repair of Eastside Ware Mains
Bribery-$75,000 bribe
Mail Fraud- Check for $10,000 to Civic Fund
Mail Fraud- Letter explaining Civic fund to donor
Mail Fraud- Check for $5,000 to Civic Fund
Mail Fraud- Civic Fund check for $4,500 for summer camp.
Mail Fraud- Letter soliciting donation and explaining civic fund for $10,000 to civic fund.
Mail Fraud- Civic fund check for $2,600 for summer camp.
Mail Fraud- Donor check for $10,000 to civic fund.
Mail Fraud- Donor check for $1,000 to civic fund.
Mail Fraud- donor check for $4,000 to civic fund
Mail Fraud- Letter soliciting donation and explaining civic fund sent to donor
Wire Fraud- Letter soliciting donation and explaining civic fund sent to donor
Subscribing false tax returns for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008. All of the different years are different counts.
Kilpatrick was found guilty of “Extortion by color of official right.” There were no direct extortion charges against Kwame Kilpatrick. In fact only one contractor whom the courts thought may have been extorted testified. He stated that he never had any direct conversations with Kilpatrick. As you can see above Kilpatrick was convicted of wire fraud and mail fraud involving the Kilpatrick Civic fund. It’s important that you know that Kilpatrick wasn’t a member of the board of the fund. He also didn’t sign any checks. Furthermore he wasn’t involved or named in any accounting, or banking activity. The bribery charge of $75,000 was written by Bobby Ferguson to the Civic Fund. I’m curious, has anyone ever heard of a two man racketeering ring (Rico)?
It is important to know that Kwame Kilpatrick’s Federal case had absolutely nothing to do with Detroit’s Bankruptcy! In fact the only people or entities that have ever left the city of Detroit in debt are the State of Michigan, and the Ilitch family! Kilpatrick has no counts, convictions, or charges for embezzlement, misuse of public funds, or the stealing of any money.

I’d like to add that Detroit citizens now pay the highest rates for water and sewage. My bill used to be $33 every 3 months. Now it varies between $80-$150 every month. Some say that former Mayor Kilpatrick kept the suburbs and the State away from our water board to protect the citizens of Detroit from paying extremely high water bills.
It is no secret that in politics in order to get your initiatives executed you have to scratch someone’s back. Michigan politics are no different. In fact it’s probably worse than some states. So, why would anyone think that the game of politics would be any different for Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick? Of course no politician would openly say this, but what’s understood often doesn’t need to be said.
Kwame Kilpatrick will now be released from prison after serving 7 years. His release date is scheduled for June 10th, 2020. No one knows what will happen after his release. But, I am curious to know what you all think about the facts that I have provided regarding his convictions and actual involvement. Do you think 28 years was obsessive? Do you think him serving 7 years is enough?
Please leave your comments below, and stay tuned for the panel discussion about Kwame Kilpatrick.
*Update* as of May 26th, 2020 it is now being reported that Kwame Kilpatrick will not be released due to the pandemic despite what was stated by our State reps, and the media. It sounds like more politics are involved and in the works!
Here is a video regarding Kwame, police brutality, and injustice! https://youtu.be/NztrVYYWn5k Thank you guys!
I believe everything you printed.and I’ve always been Team Kwame because I saw the increase in beginning to make inner city neighborhoods look better,increase in playscapes, improvements in after school recreational center’s contributions to Pal leagues and his genuine concern for our youth.He was always approachable even with the Body Guards. I’ve never even seen any other Mayor come and sup,stay entire little league games and just be a very present figure in the neighborhood. I believe 7 years is definitely enough time served. He didn’t kill anyone and what ever happened to his counterparts that confessed to be the main players in a few dealings that went on? Quame was bringing Detroit back again and that was probably a big problem for some folk. Just my opinion!
Thank you so much for commenting. I promise that you can find all the information that is provided. Other than my personal opinions I for sure provided facts. He definitely made positive and immediate changes within our neighborhoods. He also listened to our concerns. People forget that he is responsible for Martius Park’s development.I’m so happy he’s getting out! Yup, you’re right other people stated they were the key players and nothing happened to them!
Glad he’s coming home. 28 years, without committing the crimes Snyder, Dillon and Duggan have done.
ABSOLUTELY! Thank you.
Glad he’s coming home I live outside of flint and I always thought he did good by Detroit!!! I you gave a great break down thanks very much.
Now he wont be getting out which sounds like someone made a phone call. Im very anxious to see what’s going to happen.
Wow…your article is a penetrating thoughtful read. Your comment about how ‘Mayor KK’s counterparts’ struck me. See, he is no different than any other black man .. he may have been a Mayor, but our justice system failed him. It failed us. He was put in federal prison without any evidence. He allegedly cheated on his wife and that accusation was used to literally lynch yet another black by blaming him for Detroit’s bankruptcy. I am dedicating my law license to every black and brown person whom has been accused wrong. The numbers are climbing..we must be ready.
Veronica! If you need an assistant please contact me! I am here for it! The justice system surely isn’t ours smh. I hate that they even brought up his affair! That is not our business.
I’ve always been with my Mayor and have supported every effort to free him. I have my free Kwame t-shirt and never felt he deserved to serve one day of jail time. If I still lived in the City/state I would vote for him again if he ran for office. Thanks for telling the charges because just yesterday I had to check some on FB who said Kwame stole the pension funds from the City and sent it into bankruptcy or that they didn’t believe he had humbled himself! I saw red lol but thanks again.
See how the media has people all confused?! They do that on purpose! Smh I’m glad you set the record straight! Thank you for your support and efforts! You are most welcome!
Don’t put that on the media, it’s public record! People have the right to their research, stop being lazy people!
You’re right two men were just insulting me on Facebook saying I didnt cite the sources! Lol I told them to do their research and that it was public record!
Media had plenty to do with it.
PLENTY! But, people have more information at their finger tips than they have ever had before! You gotta use that!
I think Kwame Kilpatrick sentence was harsh, and I’m glad he’s being released! Other leaders in Michigan have done worse. Snyder should have been charged for attempted murder and murder for his part in the Flint water crisis. Again, I’m glad Kwame is being released and I wish him the best of luck !
I totally agree with you. They compared Quame to Coleman Young. They were afraid of what Coleman did for Detroit and they saw Quame following the same path. Look what happened to Detroit when Coleman Young died, the same thing started happening when they got rid of Quame.
We have been bought and sold! We also pay more for everything!
I am truly happy that in spite of this pandemic everyone is facing is showing some bright spots! Truthfully, I was never a Kwame’s supporter, but I am happy for his family and for his many supporters that had his back! No he didn’t deserve those many years and I just pray that the time behind bars has made him wiser, and like he said before that “this setback was nothing but a setup! God is still blessing him! May God continue to bless him always!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Im sure he’s a different person now. We forget that he was only in his early 30s when he was in office. He will be 50 years old upon his release. Life forces us sometimes to make changes to better ourselves. Thank you again.
Thanking God for answering prayers! So happy to know that kwame will be released! Yes that was the lynching of a. Black Man! It really hurt me when a lot of detroiters didn’t support kwane, if they had the outcome would have been different! But you can’t Stop God!. Praise God!!😊
I’m still Team Kwame……
Team Kwame all day. I watched him like a hawk wanted to get into politics because of him. Hood to see him free after being a scapegoat. He will rise again indeed.
You are exactly right! SCAPEGOAT!
Thanks LTRS!!!! I COULD NOT have wrote this any better!!! You broke it all the way down and added how media, race, street talk, his race, size and education influenced the way he was charged, sentenced and how ppl feel about him over all! Great article! I will share it (with him as well). Much love!
Jamila! Thank you so much for commenting and sharing! I was up until 5am trying to make sure I got it right! All I want to do is inform people of the truth! Im so happy he is being released! Much love always!
Thank you for the detailed breakdown. I feel many of the problems facing Detroit residents would not exist had the city kept Detroit’s assets like DWSD. I’m praying he uses this second chance wisely.
Your feelings are absolutely correct! I hope so as well!
Excellent story!!!! I’ll be following you on social media
Thank you! Let me know when you do so I can follow you back!
To your question above; yes, 28 years was way to obsessive and yes, 7 years is enough. In my opinion, he shouldn’t have done the 7 years. Thank God for his release and I pray that God release Bobby next!!
I feel the same way! 7 years was too much and hopefully we can get Bobby out next!
I love Kwame glad he is or has been released I knew somehow he would get out
I just knew it
June 10th is his release date!
7years was enough especially in light of the charges he was convicted, it should 3years and 4years on probation.
I think the same thing.
I have been telling people for year’s ,this our Justice System putting a Smart, Intelligent, Accomplished Black Man Down like a dog. So glad to know he will soon be with his Sons. God will and can do anything. Be Blessed Kawme
It was all by design.
I been defending this brother for years. Sad that people believe anything. Everytime someone say he stole. I ask them from where. They followed this man none stop for over 10 years. Trust me if he had done it. They would have found it.. sad how the media turned sooo many black people against this brother. If they print it or accuse you of it. Our people take it as it must be true… Thank God For 2nd chances..
We have to be smarter than the media. The media has been turning us against each other since the 60s!
Thank you for the breakdown. We need to stop tearing each other down. Yaaaaaay Kwame June 10th will be a day to celebrate. He definitely was over sentenced. They hate to see a Black strong educated man young n fine mite I add Succeed !!!! Love Love this article, it’s a must share
Lol at might I add fine! 😂 He is indeed!
I’m so so happy My Mayor is going to be released soon, He never should’ve been locked up in the first place; Seven years away from his family & His City is a Travesty to say the least. I will continue to pray for him and his family and the great city of Detroit My Great City Of Detroit.
You are so right! He never should have been locked up in the first place!
Finnie Jenkins
Team Kwame from day one!!!!
Me too! I never switched up!
Peace good day to us.. Thanks for the good read.. It’s very true that 20+ yrs is a high crime time that’s very unjust.. His offenses should have been 2-5 yrs if any.. Race had the effect on this situation and as you pointed out white supremacy spies and agencies may have sabotaged him in a way he was helpless to fight back.. He will prove them wrong asap.. I’ll support him!
The media is the biggest mind screwer ever! There is no justice system when it comes to Black people! It’s terrible. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I actually hope is allowed to live a peaceful life.
I am very glad he’s getting out yes I think he did more than enough time
Me too girl! More than enough time.
Congratulations Kwame, I just find it ironic how nonresidents of Detroit had some much to say. My family is dealing with a similar situation, we’re on the path of making some noise to get him released. Thank you for giving us hope.
The people who do not live in Detroit really should shut their mouths! Are you on the path to getting Bobby Ferguson released? If so please keep us (me) posted!
A travesty of justice from the very beginning. It’s mighty funny how the media never laid out his charges as clearly as you did. They knew if they had, a lot of mouths that were fed off of this conviction, would have had empty plates. Their agenda to rape and pillage our city was able to continue un-encumbered. Those among us who knew better, bare the shame of being complicit with our silence.
That’s exactly what they did to us! RAPE AND PILLAGE! I was never silent! I was judged for not being silent! I have plenty of articles on here about the city of Detroit. If you have some time type in politics or Detroit in the blog search section.
I am so excited and ready to see the fire that has ignited in him!
I’m super excited that he will be release; Detroit Nubian residences should be ashamed of themselves, letting him go to prison in the first place.
I agree! Smh
Im so happy!
Thank you for this article. I would like to post from a different thought process. First 28 yrs did not fit the crimes. I do believe GOD sat him down for a minute to get some personal things in order. GOD had and continues to havee a plan for Kwame’s life. In prison he was a spirtual leader to others. I truly believe GOD is in control of his destiny. I am glad he will be released because i believe the Flint water criminals need that jail cell. Once again Thank you for this article.
This is an open space for all thoughts and views. This is definitely something to think about. This is actually how I feel about the coronavirus. Thank you so much for reading and expressing yourself here. Yes, everyone needs to be in prison for poisoning FLINT!
Kwame has always been a good man and has represented Detroit very well. God always has the final say. Thank you for sharing details that many of us didn’t know and appear to be facts. I Loved reading it!
I have a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice and in having to study case law of some white collar crimes, his sentence is INDEED EXCESSIVE. I know the length of his sentence was because he is “young, gifted and black.” I’m glad he is out. He should have been out before Manafort, a lot of them should have been out before him.
I’m so happy that he is being released. The sentencing was way to harsh. They took him away from the city because of all the great things he had going on. When he was mayor the city was doing good and once he was gone, the city took a drastic decline. He was working for the people and not against the people unlike his successors, who have run the city into the ground. I pray that he is able to come out of this on top and continue his life doing great things. We love u Kwame ❤️❤️❤️❤️
YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT! Thank you for reading and commenting! 💚💚💚
I feel that Kwame has served more than enough time compared to what others have done…I sincerely look forward to his comeback…Im for team Kwame all the way
He deserves to be out dope boys get less time than Kwame Got
Rapist and child molesters get 3 years!
I agree! Time served!
Grace and Mercy is sufficient. We all have done things and just didn’t get caught. Whether it be 7 or 28 years when you’re STRIPPED of everything sometimes that’s what it takes to HUMBLE YOU and that’s all he needed. I wish him nothing but HUMBLE beginnings and he will get back on his feet because I believe THIS TIME he will surround himself around the right peple.
Why are you saying he is getting out the news says he was denied. Whats going on.
Sweet heart! The news was also saying he was getting out. When I wrote this article that’s what the news was reporting. Please read the dates on my post. Here is another article just so you know. https://wwjnewsradio.radio.com/articles/news/kwame-kilpatrick-granted-early-release-from-prison-report