Mind your stimmy

Around this time last year we all were concerned about our health, safety and livelihood. Companies were laying off employees or cutting people hours drastically. Some were fortunate, so it seemed, to be able to work from home until further notice. Schools, childcare and eldercare centers were also closing until further notice, which also caused people to have to walk away from their jobs to care for their children or parents. This is only a snapshot of an exhaustive list that left many Americans wondering how they were going to live and pay their bills. Then real panic set in… tissue, lysol, soap and alcohol were all out-of-stock; along with bread and meat . We seemed to be on the brink of food scarcity! The supply and demand equation suddenly was tested as more and more of the workforce was in limbo with if their job was secured or not!
Unfortunately, we did NOT have proper leadership in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Local U.S. Government officials had to step up and take action as they were able to see firsthand the hardship that people were facing. The local governing officials decided to disburse unemployment, with additional payments, because unemployment on the state level isn’t enough money to pay the average Americans’ bills. The first stimulus checks were disbursed , then another, under the “un-proper” leadership’s signature in an “un-timely” effort to appear to be the super hero of it all; but we all know that is another story for another time. A third stimulus was just issued this past week under new U.S. administration . Also, at different points in time, small business owners qualified for PPP loans to keep their business afloat as well as their staff employed. All of a sudden, the economy seems to be stabilized and some people have extra money to spend, as they see fit.
That’s a good thing, right? There are people that are genuinely upset that money is being provided to citizens by the government (might I add most are tax paying citizens at some point in the chain)– and I’m not just talking about just Republicans! Everyday people are complaining about other everyday people shopping at the Louis Vuitton; eating all the crab and lobster from the sea; people taking trips with their stimulus check, and how they can’t wait until things are back to normal. What does that normal even mean? Does it mean that they can’t wait until people cannot experience some little joys of life?
Those kinds of comments are bothersome to me because people don’t understand it’s the same reason why Republicans don’t put their pen to the page in matters of releasing the American peoples’ money back to the American People. Read that again, releasing the American peoples’ money back to the American people. If the government withheld funds they will continue to shop at the Louis Vuitton; eat all the crab and lobster from the sea; take trips on their yachts with the American Peoples’ money. However, everyday people with this “I wish they never released money to y’all” thought, have the need to feel above or more powerful than another person. Access to money allows people to feel better than the next person. That little socio-economic ladder from sociology class burns in my head when I read such posts or the picture of crabs in a barrel but it’s twisted because one crab is happy to keep the top closed. The stimulus money is working how it’s intended to work – to boost the economy! It has made the same resources or luxuries accessible to everyone, which really is a positive! Personally, I want to see everyone win and enjoy life.
Regardless of your pay grade or what society tells you, you are not above, beyond, or better than anyone else.If you only bought brands because other people couldn’t afford them, there is truly an internal issue that needs to be addressed. Why not be excited or happy for people that may not have been able to obtain certain items or opportunities without the help of the Government?! The much needed help. The much needed break. The much needed joy that we all want after experiencing a year locked down to our four walls.
The entire pandemic proves who people are on a soul level. Which is the most important thing in the end. If your soul isn’t right it doesn’t matter what you can buy, because you can’t purchase a soul.
Be mindful and be careful.
Dope recap, interesting perspective
Thank you for reading and commenting.
I enjoyed reading this. People need to worry about themselves.
Im glad you enjoyed this! Yes ppl need to mimd their business!
First, I’m happy that you chose to write something. Secondly, great read and perspective. The world would be a better place if folks worried about themselves.
Love this! You win, I win, we win! Whether I save or shimmy with my STIMMY… that’s my business! Thank you for the beautifully articulated perspective.