Tag: blog
Female Rap
Last week I posted a video (Video is below) discussing how multiple female rappers are currently out, and releasing music. We haven’t had so many female rappers out at the same time since the 90s. In the video I forgot a lot of names of female rappers in the game right now. So, first I’d like to redefine the list of female rappers with current music in rotation. Continue reading “Female Rap”
Boss Moves

Thank U, Next: End of year reflection
2018 has been a year of loss, endings, and feelings of perplexity. You know that feeling when you are in a state of the unknown? When you know everything is changing around you but you don’t know what the end result will be and if you’ll mentally and emotionally survive… That was how I felt. I had to remind myself that the Universe is always working in my favor regardless if I can see or feel what’s happening. Having a friend die unexpectedly helped put some things in perspective for me. Death has a funny way of making you reevaluate your feelings, life, and your relationships. Continue reading “Thank U, Next: End of year reflection”
AR15s and things
There is no doubt that the USA has a serious issue when it comes to mass school shootings. There have been 18 reported school shootings in 2018 alone, even though this is only the 2nd month of the year. There has recently been constant conversations about the latest shooting that took place in Florida, which includes the victims’ parents and other students coming forward demanding something to be done. Continue reading “AR15s and things”
Potty training Blues
Written by Katrina Hamilton
I was recently scrolling through my Facebook timeline and came across a post from a mom asking her followers for pointers on how to quickly get her daughter potty trained. Her comments section was filled with all kinds of pointers from physically disciplining the child, to bribing the child, to making the kid run around naked for an entire weekend, to taking time off work to get it done. My husband and I recently conquered the often dreaded potty training quest ourselves, and throughout the journey, I learned one important thing from it: Potty training your little one is much easier when you don’t try to force them to do it! I don’t even remember when I first started trying to potty train my daughter (yes, it took me so long that I lost track of how much time had passed!), but all I know is that I initially and unnecessarily caught the blues trying to potty train my daughter because she simply wasn’t ready. Continue reading “Potty training Blues”
Problematic statements made by Black people
I can’t even begin to tell you how disgusted I am with some of the things that my people say about each other that makes no sense. Apparently it makes sense to them, but in all actuality they are usually extremely problematic or they are the views and opinions taken on by our oppressors. I’ve been carping about this very topic for at least the last 2 weeks. Every time I get ready to sit-down and create this blog, I see another statement made that’s extremely problematic. For example: A woman with a Black son was upset that some young teenage boys through something wet at her car while she was driving. She literally stated “I bet they have the type of parents that scream about police brutality and argue with teachers about what type of child they have.” I guess it’s okay for police to beat and or kill the teenage boys since they did something stupid that teenagers often do, right? PROBLEMATIC!
Below are 11 of the top problematic statements that Black people make about Black people.
1. “If Black Lives Mattered we wouldn’t have Black on Black crime!”
NEWS FLASH!! Black on Black crime is a term of propaganda created by the media in the 60’s! The fact of the matter is people of all ethnicities kill people that look like them! That is a FACT! Black Lives matter was created because when Black people are killed by the police or whomever is feeling trigger happy that is not Black gets a pass for killing a Black person. The killing is somehow justified and justice is never served. This has been going on for centuries! Also, if you think Black people like the crime or take crime lightly that happens within our own communities it’s obvious that you have never been to a stop the violence rally or protest! Which, means you are not active or really paying attention to what’s happening in your community!
2. If the NFL players aren’t protesting why should I?
You should be protesting because you should have the common sense to realize that the NFL is making a powerful statement about how they feel about Black people as a whole. If you didn’t know what that powerful statement was let me tell you. The NFL’s statement was “we don’t care about your hard times in America due to you being a Black man. Just make our money BOY!” Not standing or kneeling is not disrespecting the flag, the country, or those who have served in the armed forces. They are just using those things to prevent you from speaking about the real issue which is the historically poor, unfair, unjust, inhumane, treatment of Black people in this country! THAT’S THE REASON PLAYERS ARE KNEELING OR SITTING DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM!
BOTTOMLINE: THINK! Maybe you could figure somethings out and stop letting a sport you don’t get paid to watch or play run your life!
3. “I want a mixed baby.”
Do I even have to explain this? You wanting a “mixed” baby is just stating you don’t like the features of Black babies. You don’t like yourself and how you look. You think that having a close Caucasian gene makes your baby better or special! It doesn’t If you want a mixed baby get a Poodle mixed with a Yorkshire, because animals are mixed not people!
4. I can’t stand being around Black people.
You are Black and your statement is ignorant. What makes you think any other ethnicity wants to be around you?
BOTTOMLINE: SHUTUP and get some class!
5. Speaking negatively about a movement that Black people have started to create awareness about social injustice.
Either you are going to support the movement or not! No one needs your criticism when a larger motive or goal is the objective! You being negative in an attempt to disassociate yourself isn’t necessary. You could just be quiet.
6. Stop telling Black people where they went wrong after being beaten and/or handcuffed for no reason by the police.
If you haven’t realized that it doesn’t matter what you do or say if an officer decides to kick your A$$ that’s exactly what’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing or what you say!
7. “She’s pretty to be dark-skin.”
Are you serious? She’s pretty period! Complexion doesn’t matter.
8. “She got good hair.”
There is no such thing as GOOD HAIR! There are different types of textures of hair. For example kinky, wavy, curly, straight, thick, and or soft.
9. “Nah he’s not Black Black he’s from Trindad.”
Slaves were dropped off in the Caribbean, Jamaica, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Haiti,Buenos Aires, Ecuador, Cuba, and Puerto Rico! There are more places but this was just to name a few. The slaves in North America were the leftover slaves!
BOTTOMLINE: We have the same African Ancestry! We have been separated by land and culture, which CREATES THE ILLUSION THAT WE ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE BUT WE ARE NOT!
10. Any time a black celebrity (ie R. Kelly and Bill Cosby) get caught in their bullshit, you all say it’s just because they’re black,
They are disgusting humans getting caught up in their devilsih ways! Just because you like what they represent doesn’t mean that’s who they are! Then you compare them to White celebrities that have been accused of the same thing! NEWS FLASH THEY AREN’T WHITE!
BOTTOMLINE: Stop blaming the victim and focus on the pattern of the CRIMINAL! If they are so innocent leave your daughters and nieces with them.
11. Stating since there are problems within the Black community we have no reason or right to complain about how other groups of people treat us.
This is the most disappointing statement I’ve seen! No other group of people have the history that we have as far as coming to this country, and being separated by complexion! Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of what the next person has done!
BOTTOMLINE: If you want to shuck and jive and be disrespectful to impress or fit in with another Ethnic group, go by yourself! The rest of us aren’t going with you! BE THE CHANGE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD!
Thank you for visiting LetsTalkRaeStyle.com
Real TV
Sometimes it’s hard to find quality TV shows with African American leading characters or a predominately African American cast. We are currently in the era of Reality TV and have been for a while now. Continue reading “Real TV”
Relationship confusion.
There seems to be so much love and happy relationships everywhere you turn. I am a person that loves love, all kinds of love. It doesn’t matter if it’s the love you have for your Mom or your bestfriend it’s an amazing feeling. However, I want to focus on the love that you receive within relationships with your boyfriend or girlfriend (significant others). There are people that love each other and show that love for each other by mirroring one another’s love. There are always those that demonstrate their love in completely different ways, but it’s just how they love (Here is where things get twisted). Continue reading “Relationship confusion.”