War on drugs!



Law enforcement has been targeting people of color like Black men, Mexican Immigrants, and Mexican Americans as far back as the early 1900s. President Nixon initiated the war on drugs in 1971. During this time, drug usage was seen as rebellion by youth and for enjoyment during social gatherings. Of course President Nixon exaggerated the drug usage and its effects on people, and went on a crucifying crusade! Continue reading “War on drugs!”


Multi-Color-Question-MarksWhat if you were always told you were beautiful?! Would you then be able to look in the mirror and embrace your melanin? What if you were taught that your hair was perfect and, that you were brilliant for the creative styles that you apply to your hair? What if Black bodies were never sold on auction blocks? Would everyone then value our lives? What if Europeans never invaded Africa? Would we then appreciate all of its natural resources and cherish the land where our existence (LIFE) began? Continue reading “Questions….”