Thirst Trappin

Let me start by saying that this entire article is a spoiler alert. You’ve been warned! Continue reading “Unpacking Being Mary Jane” →
One of my best friends refers to me as a “professional dater.” Though I’m not necessarily proud of the name, I am proud of being able to enjoy myself and live in the moment while dating. And when I say dating, I literally mean going to restaurants, museums, art shows and movies with a man. IT DOES NOT ALWAYS EQUAL HAVING SEX.
Let me guess. You’re reading this blog about me being a “professional dater”. You’re also seeing all these couples and people getting married on your timeline. Meanwhile you’re wondering why you can’t get a text back or a decent date. I absolutely cringe when I hear women say “I hate starting over and getting to know someone all over again.” Continue reading “Is dating hard or are you making dating hard?” →
Anxiety disorder is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting about 40 million adults per year. It’s not unusual for people who have anxiety to also suffer from depression, and vice versa. The most common form of depression is Major Depressive Disorder- which affects roughly around 16.1 million adults.
Some of us suffer from both anxiety and depression when major life altering events occur, such as losing your job, death, a break up, and even your family expanding. If you have never experienced either one, consider yourself lucky, but when you receive that call from a friend or family member please keep these things in mind to be considerate: Continue reading “Things you shouldn’t say to someone suffering from anxiety and depression!” →
When you meet someone at the gym, grocery store, mall, or social gatherings, all you have to go on is what they look like. He or she may be attractive to you so you exchange numbers. Usually ladies give their numbers out to see how interested the guy is in her. If he calls, great! If he doesn’t, oh well! Normal, right? Continue reading “Damn she thick!” →
There has been so much celebrity gossip going on via social media lately, with the most recent subject being Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian. If you’ve been under a rock, let me give you a quick run down: Chyna allegedly sent Rob a video of her in the bed with a dude on July 4th. Rob then began to spill all of Chyna’s tea- which included posting a picture of Chyna’s vagina on Instagram. Keep in mind that they had already broken up, so doesn’t that mean she can sexually entertain whomever she wants? Since then, Rob’s Instagram account has been suspended. Meanwhile, people are talking about how Rob knew Chyna was a hoe and he should have expected it. I’m just confused on how so may people that don’t know Chyna personally know who has been in her vagina! Continue reading “Policing Vaginas” →
I made a Facebook status posing the question “when did being an independent woman equal not needing or wanting a man?” Of course the comments section blew up. Some people stated that social media has a lot to do with this new found definition, while others said they actually heard women stating that they are independent and don’t need a man. However, I’m sure that the statement of not needing a man is being misinterpreted. Continue reading “She has her own: Independent Women.” →
I was awakened this morning by a text message from my friend saying she was questioning so much about the world at the moment. I knew then that Donald Trump won the Presidency. To be honest, I’m not really sure how I feel, besides disgusted. While the numbers were being reported last night I tried my very best not to watch it. Yet, when my 10 year old niece called me and said “Ti Ti it’s really bad!” I indeed became nervous. Not to mention my Daddy was so distraught he just decided to sleep rather than watch the numbers. Continue reading “The Future President” →
There seems to be so much love and happy relationships everywhere you turn. I am a person that loves love, all kinds of love. It doesn’t matter if it’s the love you have for your Mom or your bestfriend it’s an amazing feeling. However, I want to focus on the love that you receive within relationships with your boyfriend or girlfriend (significant others). There are people that love each other and show that love for each other by mirroring one another’s love. There are always those that demonstrate their love in completely different ways, but it’s just how they love (Here is where things get twisted). Continue reading “Relationship confusion.” →
I take weekly trips to Target- sometimes three times a week. My trips include me drinking a Sweet Tooth Latte from Biggby and consuming a bottle of Absopure right after. After I go through the home goods, cleaning, intimates, and grocery aisles, it happens: the great bathroom debate. I’m stuck in checkout trying to figure out if I can retain my urge to tinkle until I get home. Continue reading “Handle YOUR business in the bathroom.” →