At the bottom of the page there is a link to a 7 minute video. The video discusses Proposal P in detail, and the reason why you should vote YES on the proposal! However, there are some key factors missing in the video. One of the largest factors is that Mike Duggan should be voted out of office. In fact he should have never been voted into offie due to him not being a Detroit resident, and his long extensive background of criminal activity which includes but not limited to threatening a medical examiner in an attempt o make the examiner lie in the Malice Green case, and stealing funds from an airport deal.
It’s no secret that Duggan uses the city resources for his friends nonprofit. Duggan has been caught red handed in bid rigging, which is illegal and a little more than 70% of those contractors were awarded contracts. The latest scandal is that he is now engaged to Dr. Sonia Hassan whom runs a prenatal program. The scandal is some months back Dr. Sonia Hassan was accused of getting preferential treatment when Mike Duggan ordered his staff to raise money for Hassan’s prenatal program “Make Your Date.” The city also directed more than $358,000 in Federal grants to the program.
Duggan refused to discuss what his relationship was with Hassan once in April of 2019 when eyebrows were raised about them being at the same restaurant together. Shortly after the questioning by media Duggan’s wife of 30 years Mary filed for divorce. The second time he refused to discuss what his relationship was with Hassan is when he was being investigated about the funds going to Hassan’s program. In case anyone can’t read in between the lines, Duggan was cheating on his wife with Dr. Sonia Hassan and he also made the conscious choice to solely pick her organization to donate funds. I guess he felt obligated to since he’s sleeping with her (shrugs shoulders).
It’s just amazing what White men in America can get away with. Do the right thing and vote him out of office. He’s done nothing for the citizens who have been living in Detroit, besides mislead them with false information and false hopes! There is no such thing as the Great White hope! Unless you live Downtown. MIKE DUGGAN DOES NOT AND NEVER DID DESERVE TO BE THE MAYOR OF DETROIT! GET HIM OUT OF OFFICE!
Last but certainly not least. VOTE FOR NICOLE SMALL FOR CITY COUNCIL AT LARGE!!!