Dating can be tricky in 2016. Hell, dating can be down right scary! Some people are dating to find a mate, and others are dating just to have a good time. Usually for a man to take a woman on a date, it means that he somewhat likes her. At the very least, he’s interested in her. Women accept date offers mainly to determine if they like the person, and to view the guy’s behavior and actions in public. Dates also determine chemistry between both parties. Continue reading “Is it dating?!”
Tag: women
Scandalous Reality..
Did you all watch the last episode of Scandal? My mouth literally dropped to the floor as Olivia proceeded to the clinic to have an abortion. All while Mellie stood in the middle of The Congress floor for 16 hours in order to guarantee funding for Planned Parenthood. There are so many groups that are against Planned Parenthood not realizing that only 3% of the organizations business are actually abortions. Planned Parenthood has been viewed under a microscope since a clearly edited video was leaked accusing the organization if illegally selling fetal issue. It’s safe to say that today Planned Parenthood’s efforts are geared towards Women’s health. Mainly helping to prevent sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Continue reading “Scandalous Reality..”
So she’s a slut?: Amber Rose
I know you all have heard about Amber Rose’s slut walk. I think it’s pretty interesting how she came up with the idea. It all started because Kanye West went on a live radio station and stated that Kim Kardashian made him take multiple showers before sleeping with her because he was previously with Amber Rose (Gives major side eye). The audacity of Kanye, who was once in a relationship with Amber, has publicly admitted they broke up because he was extremely cruel to her after the death of his mother. Continue reading “So she’s a slut?: Amber Rose”

It’s not ok for Rachel Dolezal to play Black!
Many people are saying that no one should be upset or mad that Rachel Dolezal is claiming to be Black. The supported reasons that I’ve seen posted are: “Black people wear weaves!” “Some black people do skin lighting treatments… or wear light makeup to alter their appearance.” (Black skin and make-up selection history is a whole new discussion). Continue reading “It’s not ok for Rachel Dolezal to play Black!”
(photo credit Gawker)
Rumain Brisbon 12-2-14, Tamir Rice 11-22-14, Akai Gurley 11-20-14, Kajieme Powell 8-19-14, Ezell Ford 8-12-14, Dante Parker 8-12-14, Michael Brown 8-9-14, John Crawford III 8-5-14, Tyree Woodson 8-2-14, Eric Garner 7-17-14, Victor White III 3-22-14, Yvette Smith 2-16-14, McKenzie Cochran 1-28-14, Jordan Baker 1-16-14, and even though Andy Lopez died in October of 2013 I never hear people discussing his death. Continue reading “PEACEFUL PROTEST?”

Black Feminist (Womanist)
“Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender” -Alice Walker Continue reading “Black Feminist (Womanist)”

Everyday we read articles about tragic events that have happened somewhere in the world and sometimes in our own neighborhoods. We lose family members, friends, jobs, and relationships. Unfortunately, these are realities of life. I often hear so many people say that they “just want to be happy.” I’m guilty of that very statement myself, even though I know the truth. Continue reading “Happiness….”
The Creators of Mankind
Last week the founder of the B.E.L.L.A. (Doria Barnes) and I hosted a Twitter conversation call “Ladies Chat”. The chat was geared towards addressing concerns and issues of African-American women. There were so many well-thought-out questions, answers, and statements from the participants, that I could barely keep up with the conversation. Continue reading “The Creators of Mankind”
All of this talk about Bill Cosby and his alleged rape victims has started up some serious emotions worldwide. You see, women have been sexually violated for hundreds of years. History tells us that women have had very little rights as far speaking freely, deciding on who they want to marry, and what they could and could not do with their bodies. Continue reading “RAPE”
Girl Code
Throughout life we as women meet new people. We create new bounds, experiences,and friendships. Some of us still have friends as far back as elementary school, high school, and college, and we have friends that we meet at work. With all these relationships that women create with each other, they often live by a code. The Girl code.
Continue reading “Girl Code”