Photo of hate crime and terrorist attack victim Maurice Stallard.
Terrorist Gregory Bush took the lives of two Black senior citizens Maurice Stallard (69) and Vickie Lee Jones (67)on October 25th, 2018 in Louisville, KY. Bush (the terrorist) walked into a Kroger and shot Maurice Stallard right in front of his 12 year old grandson. He then exited the Kroger and saw Vickie Lee Jones in the parking lot and shot and killed her as well. Two lives taken away all because he couldn’t gain access to First Baptist church of Jeffersontown.
He was seen by church members aggressively pulling at the locked doors. When he realized he wouldn’t be able to enter he then went to Kroger to find victims. He was so gung-ho on killing African American’s that day, the location of the attack didn’t matter. A White male customer pulled his gun out on Bush and stated “Don’t shoot me and I won’t shoot you.” Bush replied “White people don’t kill White people.”
The police arrived and of course they safely obtained and arrested Gregory Bush even though he had his weapon drawn! Yet Black citizens with no weapon at all get shot in the back and killed by police regularly. Today I have a bigger issue than the unfair treatment of Black people by the police. My issue today is that the media totally buried this story! It didn’t hit major news outlets until a few days after it happened, on top of the story being reported as if it were a fluff story such as a firefighter rescuing a cat from a tree! Not to mention when first reported the news anchor stated it was being investigated by the FBI as a “potential hate crime!”
Why is it so hard for White people to be convicted for clear cut hate crimes and acts of terrorism against Black people?! It’s because Black lives don’t matter in this Country! Black people have the longest history of being terrorized via discrimination & racism is this Country(Besides those that are native to this land)! Yet, the media and the Government pretend as if it’s some phenomenon that White people are killing Black people for no other reason then having Black skin. Like this is something new! Tuh!
I hope what I stated in the paragraph above and what I’m about to say quells the “All lives Matter” folks (rolls eyes). The above story is a perfect example of why The Black Lives Matter movement exists and is needed! The murder of two Black senior citizens by act of TERRORISM has been swiftly reported and disregarded. People are constantly talking about being patriotic, and putting an end to terrorism. Yet when the Terrorist is a red blooded, home grown, White terrorist, terrorizing Black people terrorism seems to no longer be momentous!

Photo of hate crime and terrorist attack victim Vickie Lee Jones.
You know who was patriotic? Vickie Lee Jones was patriotic. She spent her life caring for veterans at the V.A. Hospital. Would this scenario be handled the same way if two White senior citizens were grotesquely murdered?
What do you think?