Listen! As a Black woman living in the USA, I am so tired! I’m tired of having to constantly defend myself. I’m tired of not being allowed to express myself in ways other women express themselves without being nailed to the cross. I’m tired of my wide nose, full lips, style of hair, and the size of my derrière being praised and glorified on women that do not look like me, share my culture, or my struggle. I’m tired of the world telling me that my thoughts and feelings do not matter!
But, woman to woman you know what I am most tired of? I am tired of fake sisterly love and support. To me your sister giving fake love is far worse than everything I listed in the above paragraph.
Rule number 1: Another Black woman is not your enemy, she’s your sister. The more Black women become successful, the more media attention they will receive. That could be via social media or mainstream media.
Rule number 2: We don’t all have to like each other, but we must respect one another. Everyone should be smart enough to know that the media feeds off of drama and negativity. Media also heightens situations to make small issues seem big. How can you be a supporter of women and you’re constantly speaking poorly about them? A perfect example is Ne Ne Leakes! Those of us that watch RHOA know that every year Ne Ne becomes beefed out with one of her cast-mates. This year she is no longer friends with Cynthia Bailey, who was once her best friend. Ne Ne goes on a popular radio show called “The Morning Hustle” and is asked about her friendship with Cynthia Bailey by Lorel- a host of the show. Ne Ne goes on about how she and Cynthia are not friends and that Cynthia is weak.
Don’t get me wrong: I am not surprised by Ne Ne’s behavior or character. She has been showing the world who she truly is for a while now. What I am surprised by is how soon we as women forget about supporting one another when we’re mad at each other, especially because Ne Ne and Cynthia both get a lot of media attention and I know they have had media training.
Just because you no longer associate with your former female comrade doesn’t mean you have to speak negatively about them. You certainly shouldn’t be bashing them. That shows that you never had sisterly love for one another to begin with. There are so many women that say they support other Black women and their businesses, yet they are sneak dissing one another whenever they get the chance. That’s not love or support! You don’t have to like every sista you encounter but you do need to respect them publicly and privately..
Be your sista’s keeper!
Yesss! Love it!
Thanks Mommy! Lol