Ye who?

Sometimes I distract myself from reading or watching videos of hate crimes against African American people. I do it because it can be overwhelming. The feeling you get in your stomach or the slight anxiety that you feel are symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You got the same feeling when you saw Omarosa backing Donald Trump, didn’t you? You couldn’t believe your eyes and ears. I got the same feeling when I heard Kanye West show complete disregard and disrespect to his people on television with his comments. Not to mention his twitter feed. For the record Donald Glover accomplished what Kanye thought he was accomplishing in Glover’s video “This is America.”
For those of you that tried to act like you were on some higher level of understanding because you thought you knew what Kanye meant... Nice try but still an epic fail!
One who is a genius does not proclaim he is in a genius.
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I don’t know what to say about Kanye, because his explanation didn’t make sense. He’s talking about free thinking because we’re mentally imprisoned. In my opinion, your “free” thought needs to make sense to more than just the deep thinkers.