Yoni Steam Me Please

The first time I ever heard of a Yoni steam was on an episode of “Girlfriends.” I know it’s sad but it’s true. I didn’t think much of it at the time, besides it being interesting. But, now that I have friends that solely practice womb care, are Doulas, and midwives I started to become more interested in what a Yoni steam is all about.
Yoni steaming is an age old practice for multiple things involving the vagina. It actually depends upon what kind of herbs you have mixed for your steam. Some women get yoni steams for fertility purposes. Meaning to increase their chances of conceiving and others get yoni steams to restore and rejuvenate their vagina and uterus. Women are not to use Yoni steams while pregnant. It can soften the cervix and cause a miscarriage. I decided that I wanted to give my yoni a steam!
I have seen many advertisements for Yoni steams at spas, herbal mixtures that can be ordered online, and so much more. I chose to seek out local people that specialize in women, womb, and yoni care. It also matters to me if the person is spiritual or on a spiritual journey. In my mind it only makes sense to have a specialist with pure intentions create something just for you, right? So I purchased my herbs from Yoni Maven located in Southfield, MI. I ordered a HIP bath from amazon, which is a bowl that fits inside your toilet seat (pictured below). I also ordered a yoni steam gown from amazon because everyone locally were sold out!
Hip bath with herbs and water mixture
Yoni Maven herbal mix
I boiled some water on the stove. Put half of my herbal mixture in the bowl and then poured the boiled water in the bowl. I kind of closed the lid of the toilet to keep the steam inside. The importance of having a steam gown is to keep the steam with your yoni. Once I sat down and made sure the gown was down behind me and in front of me I then placed a blanket on top of my legs to lock in the steam.
It literally felt like the inside of my vagina was getting a hot bath. After about 5 minutes I began to get extremely relaxed. Almost sleepy. Who am I kidding I was sleepy. The first time I did the steam I stayed on it for an entire hour. I honestly just didn’t want to get up. The second time I stayed on the steam for 30 minutes. Both times after I finished I experienced some slight cramping, like period cramps and small speckles of blood. I actually expected both, and the blood was of course dried up blood from my uterine walls. You’ll want to shower or take a bath afterwards.
I would recommend a Yoni steam after your menstrual cycle. That’s actually when I conducted my second steam. I think all women should try a steam at least one time just for the experience. As for me I will be implementing the process into my regular self-care treatments.
I should try one that sounds very different!